Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Post About Oblivion

Summer days off like this always give me an urge to play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion again on X-Box.
Look, I can do an image search

I keeps my class classy
Oblivion is an ambitious fantasy RPG that was, for my money, the best ever made at that time.  It was the game on X-Box 360 that really blew me away and made me realize not only what the new system cold do, but what video games could be.  The world was HUGE, and completely immersive, with endless sidequests and characters, I spent hours upon hours exploring.  The fact that it was first person was a huge factor for me, and I still think that helps with the immersion in Bethesda's games.

It was to the point where I would get up extra early, drink a Red Bull, and squeeze as much gametime as I could into a morning before work, and my days off were spent happily battling and looting.

Obviously, graphics and user interface has advanced a bit since it came out, Skyrim and Fallout are technically better games, but nothing has the nostalgia for me that Oblivion does. It was the thing that actually made me like fantasy as a genre because I was so into it.  Before Oblivion I actively disliked anything with swords, sorcery, dragons and all that good stuff.  But something about living in that world flipped a switch and broadened my horizons, bringing me to stuff like D&D and Game of Thrones.  I guess I'd be a less complete nerd without Oblivion, so thanks, Bethesda!  Now...I've got some Goblins to jack up.

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