Thursday, February 26, 2015

My Best Comics

For years, I've done a webcomic called Downfall.  I write it and draw it as time allows, because I'm a big fan of comics and it gives me an excuse to practice consistently.  I'm well aware of the shortcomings in my art, I'm self taught and I don't have the time or probably attention span to get REALLY good, but I enjoy it as a hobby.  I'm pretty critical of myself, so it's hard for me to go back and look at a lot of my own stuff, but there are a few that I really think are good, artistically to varying degrees, but as a little story told in words and pictures, sometimes I think they work pretty well for amateur stuff, and I'm proud of them.

So I'm gonna post what I feel are my personal best examples of comics, because sure it's self-indulgent, but it's my blog about my writing and art, so I can do that.  Also, as I'm putting this together, it's kind of cool to see my art change through a bunch of strips all in a row.

If you enjoyed these pretty good ones, and are interested in seeing lots more mediocrity, you can check out the Downfall homepage for all of the strips, fanart, and more.


  1. The snow panels are pure perfection.

    1. Haha, it took my a long time to come up with a technique for it! Glad you like them, I've always been fond of them myself.
